HolisticVegas.com is hosting a Sunday Zoom Meditation hour at 2 p.m. Each week, we are inviting different healers to lead us in a guided meditation. This week, Aug. 9, our healer will be Paula Mellino. She is a licentiate minister, National Spiritualist Association of Churches, for Spiritualist Desert Church. She is also a local high school teacher. HolisticVegas calls her our “Energy Engineer.” Here is the Zoom info for the link. You must use the passcode. Room opens at 1:30 p.m. for people to visit. There is no talking after the meditation. We are sitting an intention of healing and positive thinking for the week.

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Meeting ID: 882 8614 5354
Passcode: 024633
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Meeting ID: 882 8614 5354
Passcode: 024633
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